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Make a gift-donate today!

Make a gift-donate today!

You CAN make a difference

Imagine those in need...

Imagine living your life with severe pain of crippling arthiritis and looking at a future that holds no hope of relief, because there is no access to quality health care and no money to pay for joint replacement surgery.

On behalf of the clients, families, board, volunteers, and staff, we THANK YOU for your support.

Here are a few examples of what your valued support will do:
  • $10 will pay for vitamins and supplement

  • $20 will pay for crutches

  • $50 will fund a bath chair and commode

  • $100 will pay for a patient's pain medications

  • $250 will pay for antibiotics for surgery

  • $500 will pay for the physical therapy

  • $1,000 will pay for a prosthetic implant

  • $5,000 will fully support one hip or knee replacement

How to Donate

Download the donation form OR donate online below. Operation Walk Utah is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, so all donations are tax deductible. Receipts are sent for all donations.

How to Donate

Your online donation will be securely processed through PayPal. You can pay with any major credit card or with your PayPal account.

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